Uncontested Divorce
Uncontested Divorce
Marriage can be one of the biggest blessings a person experiences and it can bring great joy to many. Of course, making a “lifelong promise” to another person is a major decision, and while we all hope for the best, we cannot predict the future. Sometimes a marriage needs to come to an end. For many people, divorce becomes their chosen path, because separation is not “final”. Not all divorces are contested. Many can end in a more amicable manner.
Uncontested divorce is one such option many individuals pursue to handle their divorce in Korea. The uncontested divorce process is generally less stressful and less complicated with the assistance of an experienced uncontested divorce lawyer in Seoul, Korea.
What Is An Uncontested Divorce in Korea?
Uncontested divorce is one where you and your spouse can agree on all terms of a divorce. Both parties negotiate the terms of the divorce without undergoing any court proceedings. Your uncontested divorce attorney will handle all the details, prepare the needed Korean family law forms and represent you.
If you and your spouse have no property, assets or debts which have been accumulated during the marriage and there is no minor aged child or children born to the parties, then the divorce process is relatively simple. By preparing and processing a variety of documents, your lawyer can file the package with the court, pay the filing fees and then, in due course (approximately 6 months after the full filing), the attorney prepared Findings & Judgment is signed by the Judge, filed with the Clerk and available for release to the parties.
If there are assets and minor aged child or children, the parties must cooperate and agree on key issues with one another and avoid conflict. The attorney selected and retained may only represent one party and may not be allowed to give advice or counsel to the other party. This constitutes an uncontested divorce.
In order to qualify for an uncontested divorce, both parties must be in agreement on all issues, including child custody support, division of property and spousal alimony. Additionally your spouse must not contest the divorce once served.